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Frequently asked questions
Do you offer a free trial?
No, but we offer multiple demos so that you can show all of your stakeholders at times that suit them. Get in touch, and we will be happy to help.
Do you offer enterprise pricing?
Yes, get in touch, and we will be happy to discuss more detail.
What support is included?
We provide one-to-one support to design, onboard and set up all programs. However, it doesn’t stop there; our customer success and technical teams are always on hand to offer support where required.
Do you have apps for iPhone and Android?
Yes, you can use Dosen on any device, anywhere, anytime.
Do you offer an education discount?
Yes, we have specific pricing for the education market.
What 3rd party apps can I integrate?
We integrate with multiple third parties. The list is continually growing. For more information, get in touch, and we will be happy to take you through everything and support your needs.